Robert's Uterus

Robert's Uterus

Location BSMMU

04 Oct, 2022 12:00 AM
04 Oct, 2022 12:00 AM

Robert's Uterus

A rare congenital mullerian duct anomaly and is a obstructive variety of septate uterus.

On 30th September, 2021 this rare case was operated successfully in BSMMU by our respected Chairman Prof. Jesmine Banu Madam, Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Department.

The patient was a 14 years old girl having progressive dysmenorrhea since menarche & a large lower abdominal lump. After careful clinical evaluation & investigation (USG & MRI) diagnosis was confirmed.

During operation, laparotomy was done & the lump was evaluated carefully which was found as hematosalpinx and hematometra at obstructed functioning part. Then right sided salpingectomy & excision of the obstructed functioning part of uterus was done followed by reconstruction of Uterus.

Here are some pictures of operation before & after reconstruction of uterus along with the surgeon Prof Jesmine Banu Madam with her team.

We are so grateful to the department for the opportunity to see such rare case